
Essay On Gmo Labeling

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Labeling of Genetically Modified Organisms We eat food everyday, but do consumers know how out foods are made? Corn is one of the biggest ingredient we put in many foods. But what most of us do not know is that most of the corn we eat is genetically modified. Science is used to change the genetic makeup of corn. The problem is that scientist do not know the effects of these genetically modified foods. We have no idea if there is long term health effects. Eating food that we have no idea if it could kill us in the long run is something no one wants, but not letting people know if what they are eating is genetically modified food it one of the problems in the United States. The labeling of genetically modified organisms should be mandatory in the United States.
Genetically modified organisms have been altered by changing their genetic make-up. They are mostly found in food and medicine, both have their pros and cons. Food can be pest proof, food production can be increased and food can be nutritionally improved. They also help reduce the price of crops used for food products by as much as 15-30 percent (Hemphill and Banerjee). Some foods that are …show more content…

I think everyone has a choice to eat genetically modified food or not. I also do understand that organic, or non genetically modified foods cost more than genetically modified foods, and families on budget might choose genetically modified foods. But, I think they should be given that choice. The United Nations pass a law for the mandatory labeling of genetically modified organisms. Giving consumers the chance to choose. I would say companies who make genetically modified foods would object. They have been objecting with lobbyists in the government trying to prevent the labeling of genetically modified organisms. I would say to these companies, why not bring out scientific proof that genetically modified organisms are perfectly fine to

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