Essay On Leadership Philosophy

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Leadership Philosophy

We are all taught to teach others. We are all led to lead others. To be a great leader we need to point to the success of the whole organization. If our lights are not shining, where are we leading? If they are, someone will see! I believe that we can find everything we need to know about being a great leader by looking into the Bible. We can find the answers too many question about leadership. Who is a leader? What is a leader? What does it take to be a great leader? I would like to take the next few lines and give you seven things that it takes to be a great leader.
The first thing it takes to be a great leader it requires us to lead. I know that you may be saying being a leader requires us to lead. You cannot lead …show more content…

Sixthly, being a great leader requires Sacrifice. We cannot be the light of the world, until we sacrifice ourselves,. Neither can we lead others and cause them to have confidence in us. We must be willing to deny self, Matthew:16:24. We cannot remain comfortable in this world and expect others to follow, we must give of ourselves. The seventh thing required to be a great leader is courage. We must cast aside every fear! We must stand up for the cause and our team. The enemy wants us to fail we must be willing to submit to God James 4:7—Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Lastly, being a great leader requires a tough skin. Sometimes, our adversary may be our own ally. In war sometimes soldiers have been under “Friendly fire.” The wounds don’t hurt any less, maybe sometimes more. It may be intentional, it may be misguided, it may be altogether ignorant, but when a co-worker hurts us, we cannot desert the process and join the enemy. 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16. Here is just a few tips: Expect it to happen now and then. Remember they are co-workers James 1:19-20—let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. (You may be able to resolve it.) Sometimes, you just have to take