
Essay On Net Neutrality

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The internet seems like it has been around for an extremely long period of time, but it has only been around a relatively short time. It is only till the recent decade that congress has begun to feel the need to create bills to censor the internet and limit peoples use of it. Net neutrality is the process of keeping all access to any type of content available. The future of net neutrality and the use of the internet are on the edge of being barred to everyday use to convert it to a more consumer friendly service only. “As this evolving technology continues to reshape the world and the way we interact, strong Net Neutrality protection would promote free expression, economic opportunity, and civic engagement for the foreseeable future." (thehill.com). There are forces at work against how open the internet should be. At the same time there are others fighting to protect every aspect of the availability of the internet.
In several instances legislation is trying to censor the internet and even trying to barricade free speech from online political debates. “The Federal Election Commission is looking for ways to regulate political speech on the Internet.” (thehill.com). As everyone should know freedom of speech is the First Amendment in the constitutional bill of rights and one of if not the most …show more content…

Because companies and politicians don’t want to have publicity that could hurt their image even though the common man should know about it. But there’s more to net neutrality than just the protection of free

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