Essay On Transitioning Into The Registered Nurse Role In The NICU

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Transitioning Into the Registered Nurse Role in the NICU
New graduate nurses must learn to function professionally as a registered nurse (RN). It requires time to transition, thus why the purpose of the course Nursing 427 is utilized to ease the adjustment. Four course objectives are provided and each one must be met to successfully pass the course. I knew I wanted to be a pediatric nurse, but I was not sure if I wanted to pursue a more specific unit. After some research, the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) sparked my interest. I am so glad I could complete this clinical in the NICU. I was given multiple opportunities to meet the course objectives throughout the 120 hours of patient contact.
Demonstrate Leadership Role Within a Multidisciplinary …show more content…

This requires them to be a leader. A leader is someone who “take risks, attempt to achieve shared goals, and inspire others to act” (Marquis & Huston, 2020). They utilize their knowledge to make informed decisions at their discretion. I demonstrated my leadership role within a multidisciplinary team in numerous ways. My first day on the unit, I retrieved informational sheets that parents receive to further my knowledge about infant driven feeding (IDF) and signs premature babies exhibit at each week according to their gestational age. I also watched videos that parents are encouraged to watch before discharge. I have never worked with this population from a nursing viewpoint, so I wanted to learn as much as I could. Other resources I referred to are informational books on the unit and Google. A few of the searches on Google included SCID, POTS and …show more content…

I change into the provided scrubs and always wear my name badge above my waist. I ensure to look presentable too. I take accountability for my own actions such as missing a documentation on EPIC. I then back track and finish it. When I am confused, I ask my preceptor for guidance. I was assigned a patient who had a circumcision and have never cared for a patient with this procedure, so I watched my preceptor perform it first. Then I completed the cares afterwards. Furthermore, I accept constructive criticism to improve my performance. For example, my preceptor taught me how to best get the nipple in the infant’s mouth and external

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