Essay On Why A Professional Athletes Should Be Paid

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Professional athletes are often bashed for their high salaries, and do not deserve to make high amounts of money only for playing a game. The average salary for a professional athlete is anywhere from $2 million to $5 million in a year. The average income for a family is $54,000. This difference between the two is insane, and it should be changed. According to Jesse Edelman “Many Americans will work a full-time job until they are about 70 years old and will not make as much as Tom Brady makes in just one year.” It may seem to some people that the athletes should be making high salaries, but they should not be making more than people that work many years of their Lifes. Says Larry Deblieux “You may wonder why a ticket to an NFL game may be $50 dollars or higher. It is because the money that people pay to watch the game is the money used to pay for their salaries.” Money that is consumed by merchandise sells also goes …show more content…

Major League players make the most money out of any sport. The reason that MLB is the top paid sport is because team managers buy the players. They will spend excessive amounts of money to get the best of the best players. They will buy the players at extreme amounts because they will win more games, bringing in more fans. The MLB also makes their side money by ticket sells, broadcasting, and merchandise sells also. It takes a lot of skill, time, and dedication to become a baseball player. In that case, I do understand why baseball players are paid higher than any other sport, but it does not need to be as high as it is. The average salary for an MLB player is 4.2 million dollars. MLB brings in a yearly income of about 556 million dollars. Even though this past year, the MLB blew the average out of the roof by bringing in 10.8 billion dollars. Overall, MLB players do deserve to be paid a good amount of money, but nowhere the amount that they are