Essay On Year Round School

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About 26 percent of year round schools have increased.Should Florida schools go to year round schools is an interesting topic.It has been a debate.Florida should not go to year round school because most teachers need time to get ready for school.Also if people are in year round school they can’t have summer jobs.However year round school has multiple breaks of school and the breaks are like 3 weeks long so it would be hard to forget what happened in the school year.But I do not think Florida should go to year round school it is distracting to students and teachers. First of all,Teachers need time to get ready for the next school year and that can't happen if the break is only 3 weeks long.Year round school can be a problem for teachers if their next class come the classroom will not be ready so the students will not get education they need.According to the text “National education Association, 2014” it states “Those who teach at year round schools, where the school year begins a week after a previous year ended find themselves in a different situation.” (Text 2) So that means the teachers will not have time to prepare for their next class.Teachers will not have not time because teachers will be busy with all their cluster at school so the teachers have to organize and do