Essay On Year Round School

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Name- Jacob Bartels
Hour- 3/4
Teacher- Ashley Appleton
Date- Mar 24, 2023

The Benefits of Year-Round Schooling

Education is one of the most important factors in determining someone's future success. Therefore, the education system must be providing the best possible education for students. The school calendar you may be thinking of is nine months on and three months off and that system has been used for many years. But now there is a movement to switch to a year-round school calendar which is gaining popularity. A year-round school calendar goes for about 9 weeks on and 2-3 weeks off. Although the traditional school calendar has been in use for a long time and has worked well, schools should be all year round because it provides several benefits …show more content…

In an article about how each school system works called, “Pros and Cons of Year-Round School,” explains that “In a year-round school instead if having one long summer break, students attend school for a set amount of time and then have a shorter break before returning to school,”(Morin, 2022). That shows how year-round schools allow for more flexibility in schedules which can lead to more experiences and it could also lead to not having as many busy times during the year in which normal school take place. An example of this is stated in the article “Pros and Cons of Year-Round School.” Morin writes that, “In a year-round school families can Split vacation time more evenly throughout the year, making it easier for families to plan their vacations without missing school time or being restricted to only taking vacations during the summer.”(Morin, 2022). Since the breaks are split throughout the year kids can experience every season without the stress of having to go back to school the next day and instead having 2 or so weeks off and they can go on vacations during the winter or fall without having to worry about doing homework …show more content…

In an article that informs people on what they need to know about a year-round school called “Year-Round Schools: 10 Things you Should Know,“ The essay says that “…On a multi-track schedule, school maintenance costs rise because the building is in full use year-round,” (Lynch, 2017). While it's true that year-round schooling can require extra funds the quote fails to mention that During the traditional summer break, school buildings sit unused and maintenance is still required to keep them in good condition. By utilizing the building year-round, schools can save on maintenance costs in the long run. Year-round schooling can provide a more consistent learning experience for students, reducing the need for summer school and helping to prevent the learning loss that can occur during extended breaks. Furthermore, teachers can benefit from having a steady income throughout the year. While the cost of year-round schooling may result in slightly higher property taxes, it's a small price to pay for the long-term benefits to students, teachers, and the community as a