Essential Skills Research Paper

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Some Essential Skills That I Can Develop in My English Course
Becoming a new immigrant in the U.S. not only brings me some new opportunities in my life, but also challenges me to adapt to a totally new environment. Obviously, a language barrier is one of the toughest obstacles for me to overcome. Speaking from a person that had a stable job in Vietnam, I hardly can find a similar job here because my broken English can limit my chances to enter professional working environments. That is the reason why I decided to attend college where I can find many valuable resources to help me to master my English as the second language. English 1301 is the necessary course that can give me the foundation to improve my writing and enhance my critical reading. …show more content…

Taking notes on the Reading Blocks enhances my critical thinking that helps me to figure out some key information for my idea development, and then find convincing direct evidence to support for them. Note taking skills are the practice of recording key points of information; therefore this is a very important part of completing a research assignment. On the other hand, writing a research paper is a long process that requires intensive study and practice. Working on this activity, I went through the steps to improve my necessary skills by following the professor’s instructions from comprehending the Reading Blocks, note taking, idea developing, researching, drafting, revising, and getting peers’ feedback to final editing. Moreover, I needed to thoughtfully consider the valid points of an opposing viewpoint and practice logical thinking to make some effective and reasoning arguments for my refutation paragraph. Besides that, the college library offers reputable and academic resources that appropriately help me to choose and develop variety of viewpoints for my practical topics in the research paper. The Research Paper assignment helped me write one of the best papers of my life because it not only required huge effort to complete, but it also allowed me to apply my knowledge of using the MLA …show more content…

How-To Documents on Canvas and the Purdue Owl resource can give students a variety of guidelines that help us to write in a proper way. The Purdue Owl is the online writing lab where assists students in development as writers. We can find many valuable instructional materials, from general to subject specific writing, to apply in our essay assignment. On the other hand, the transitional devices in How-To Documents show me the way to include transitions within an essay to make the ideas in sentences or paragraphs smoothly connected. In other words, transitions can carry readers from one idea to the next, and help them to understand how paragraphs work well together. Especially in my research paper, I put the transition sentence at the end of each paragraph because the topic sentence will be the first one of the next paragraph. How-To Documents and the Purdue Owl definitely are very useful resources where I can easily access to find some effective tips on correcting and following the academic standards of my