Ethical Argument Against Designer Babies

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Designer Babies and the Need for Regulation Every year, genetic replacement helps sick people and allows them to live healthy lives. If we continued the research, we could prevent patients from getting sick. The elimination of cancer, genetic diseases, and genetic disorders could be a possibility if we made designer babies, babies with pre-selected genetic traits given to them, a reality. The problem is that there will always be two sides to this argument. One side believes that it is morally wrong and will hurt the social nature between humans, while the other side believes that this is the next stage in human evolution, and will end some of humankind’s opponents. While there are numerous benefits and some detriments, it will help the world …show more content…

Designing people takes the randomness out of life, eliminating some of the “bad traits” of the human species (Poore 3). Previously, people have attempted to change genetics and alter societies; an example of this would be during WWII, when Hitler tried to create his master “Aryan Race” (Poore 1). Other nations might try to recreate that and create giant armies of genetically identical, perfect clones, like something out of a Star Wars movie (Ly 3). If designer humans understood that they were made in a lab to be perfect, they could start to question their own existence and might become depressed, or even suicidal (Baird 2). The ideas listed above are still only theories, used as counterarguments by people who discourage the use of genetic engineering to enhance human genes. Children are gifts to the world, and if the parents had a healthy baby with traits that they liked, it would strengthen the child’s bond with its family, and cause it to live a happier childhood (Poore