Ethical Issues On Net Neutrality

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Net Neutrality is a principle where access to all internet data and information is open and free. Internet providers would not be able to discriminate against or charge more for certain content. They would not be allowed to block, shape or alter internet traffic in any way. This topic has sparked tremendous political debate. President Obama recently spoke in favor of Net Neutrality and the FCC is seeking an authoritative solution that would put some regulations in place.
This paper will cover the basic tenets of Net Neutrality and the arguments concerning the need for free and open internet and the counterpoints to regulating the Internet Service Providers. This dilemma has sparked considerable political debated and presents a watershed moment in the history of technology and the Internet. This paper will illustrate the ethical and legal concerns regarding Net Neutrality.
The paper will demonstrate the concerns regarding the ethical issues regarding the creation of …show more content…

Earlier this year, in Federal Court, the Net Neutrality rules set forth by the FCC were struck down and left ISP’s like Verizon, Comcast and Time Warner to contemplate changes in their pricing structure. The concern revolves around providers making deals to create faster access with chosen companies, leaving others with slower connections. In essence this type of transaction occurred between Netflix and Comcast. Beginning in 2013, Comcast customer’s Netflix service began to suffer. Netflix began to get calls from their customers that their online movie quality degraded from HD to VHS quality. Netflix was attempting to use third party systems that were not connected with Comcast but their service continued to suffer. “Faced with such severe degradation of its streaming video service, Netflix began to negotiate for paid access to connect with Comcast. Netflix and Comcast eventually reached a paid