Evaluate The Role Of Psychological Development In Children

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According to Psychology the science of mind and behaviour ,Psychological disorders can occur at any point in the life span. Mental health professionals have observed symptoms resembling clinical depression in pre-school infants and older children exhibit a wide range of behaviours problems (Luby,2010) In a study carried out, several thousand children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old were diagnosed by researchers with over 20 per cent of the children having a DSM-IV disorder and considered half of these to be significantly impaired by their symptoms (Lavigne et al.,1996) Simillar levels of incidence and impairment exist in children between the ages of 9 and 17. (Satcher 1999) Other studies have shown that about 40% of children with psychological disorders receive professionals attention and half of this group is seen by qualified mental health professionals(Satcher,1999). It is evident that the Early Years professional plays a role in the psychological development of the children. The Early years professionals give the children the chance to encourage the children’s independent problem solving and focus on positive behaviours …show more content…

Practitioners play a huge role in helping the child with their individual need. Research has shown that the most effective way to help a child with anxiety is to educate, identify and train the child with relaxation techniques. In addition, when practitioners reinforce the techniques that can help a child with this kind of anxiety, the child does even better. If a child doesn’t get help with anxiety he or she will do what they can to avoid feeling bad and nervous. Some will do what they can to avoid situations where they might feel bad. And some will learn how to avoid the challenges of life we all face and put themselves in isolated situations such as seeking thrills, rejecting responsible behaviour, using drugs or not attending school.