Evaluating Teamwork Processes

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Team weakness identified from the Evaluating Teamwork Processes Rating Scale: Experimentation and creativity: Reporting and responding Report what happened or what any issue/s or incident/s involved that contributed to your choosing to identify this as a teamwork weakness. Why is it/are they relevant? Respond to the incident/s or issue/s by making observations, expressing your opinion, or asking questions. A lack of experimentation and creativity was high within my group throughout the collaborative process. The team was easily agreeable as it appeared most members all shared the same ideas, and concepts on how this assessment piece would be completed. Some would see that sharing the same ideas and agreeing on concepts would be as positive, …show more content…

Although one of the greatest benefits of working in a group is the inspiration and ideas that can result from team discussions, it seems as if my group did not capitalise on this opportunity. When running ideas by one and other, there is a lot more scope for creativity in comparison to working on a project alone. This assignment also brought together people from different backgrounds and different majors, creating an almost perfect environment for discussion and inspiration. However as my group becoming friendly and trusting extremely quickly there was a lack of task conflict, due to a lack of disagreements when ideas where put forward. “Task conflict may force the team to renegotiate goals and make better sense of problems, which has been linked to better and more original solutions in experimental studies” (e.g. Redmond, Mumford & Teach, 1993). Shalley and Gilson in 2004 go on to say that this may trigger creative solutions in solving problems and meetings goals. More recent studies done by Allwood and Martin in 2008 recognise the potential from innovative solutions is at the highest and most beneficial when the level of task conflict is …show more content…

How would I deal with this next time? What might work and why? Are there different options? What might happen if...? Are my ideas supported by theory? Can I make changes to benefit others A simple reconstruction of this practice would be to next time suggest more task based ideas and solutions, in the hope that this would create more discussion as the theory states. It has long been suggested that some degree of task-focused disagreement can enhance team creative performance (e.g. Jehn, 1995).However as mentioned briefly above the problem is not lack of ideas, it is the lack of friction between members due to all ideas being agreed upon and not discussed. How does one support task conflict within a group? What can be done next time to improve on the negative? Task conflict is primarily based off people feeling confident in sharing ideas and alternate solutions to a group, whereas the group can feel just a confident to refute or rebuttal those suggestions. In an effective team environment, members feel confident in suggesting their ideas and disagreeing with others. Anderson and West (1998) and Taggar in 2001 have both stated that creative performance can only be successful when teams members operate in a supportive