Everything Sad Is Untrue By Daniel Nayeri

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Life is entailed with lies and truth, no one can run from either because they are a part of the mind that can not be manipulated into change. Daniel is a refugee who struggles with fitting into his new world because of his desire to explain his life in a series of stories that not many may understand. In his writing he likes to incorporate mythical events to explain his own experience- instead everyone settles on discouraging him. Everything Sad is Untrue is an autobiography by Daniel Nayeri, who started his work to perceive the importance of understanding that a person's perspective is their truth. In the world there is no actual truth, only what a person can perceive as truth- which then turns into that person's own belief. At points in …show more content…

What a person can and can not remember persuades the mind to show where the line between lies and truth stands. “Memories are just stories we tell ourselves”, yet there is an unspoken safety in them (Nayeri 349). Daniel relies on his many memories to write out his story for him. There is no fitting in for him in the classroom- the whole country seems to be rejecting him, like he is irrelevant to it. And when his only method of control is overly demoralized, there is a doubt of ever being able to fit in. However, no one will have trust if the memories are only halfway true. “There was nothing left. . .but [the] spotted memory”, that would have to be patched up with made up ideas. Daniel's peers are quick to judge when he gets there because he is different. All he wants is to fit in with these kids but they openly choose to dislike him instead of letting themself hear his part of the story. They all consider him a liar but he isn't able to persuade them any differently. At the end of the day, the only way to show one side to someone else, they have to want to understand- kids in his classroom actively choose to not believe him, yet still call him a liar. How a person was raised is a coefficient playing into how they will preserve their own truth and