Examples Of Dystopia In The Giver

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Number 19 your job assignment is… When Jonas learns he is assigned the job of the Receiver of memories he is in shock, he feels nervous and excited. For the Receiver of memories there life is a dystopia because they see the real world. Other than the Receiver of memories and the giver, the society thinks they are perfect, but they are really not. Nevertheless, sometimes they are like a utopia because they use a precision of language, they take injections for stirrings, and they take morning injections for emotions but, sometimes those aspects are not good. However, In the book The Giver the society is more of a dystopia because they release babies, they play war like it is nothing, and lastly they have to go to the house of the Old and get abused.

Jonas’ society is a dystopia because they release babies. In The Giver the word “release” means to kill. The society does not know that they are killing the babies. However, Jonas knows that the nurturers kill the babies. Jonas’ father is a nurturer, they are the ones that kill the babies who are not healthy or if they are underweight or if they are a twin they kill the underweight one. He realizes that Fiona will be trained to kill the babies. The giver showed Jonas a video of release of a baby twin. Jonas states, “He killed it! My father killed it! Jonas said …show more content…

When you go to the house of the Old you do not have a family unit anymore. When you get into the house of the Old you will be released soon. You have to have other people bathe you. People at the house of the old are happy and excited to get released because they think their going to freedom. “But you should have seen his look. Pure happiness, I’d call it” (32). If you do not behave in the house of the Old, then you get beaten with a wand. The discipline wand: a thin, flexible weapon that stung painfully when it was