Professionalism In Nursing Research Paper

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Showing professionalism in your choice of field or any field is more than showing up on time or dressing the part. Webster dictionary defines professionalism as “conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” As a nurse, professionalism is a vital quality that is required to present at any workplace. To me, professionalism means having to demonstrate a professional, respectful attitude to your surroundings such as fellow coworkers, patients, and facility that you are in. It means dressing appropriately according to your profession and arriving in a timely manner before your shift begins; as well as leaving after your shift has ended, not early. Professionalism means not gossiping in the workplace …show more content…

Appearance is vital in maintaining a professional image for yourself. When a client walks into any health care facility they expect the employees to be well put together. They are more inclined to cooperate with the care given if the person taking care of them appeared well groomed and professional. Punctuality shows a lot about yourself when it comes to professionalism as well as your work ethics. It is the first impression that you make when it comes to interviews or meeting your new boss. Nurses must arrive on time to receive reports about client care and must also leave when all needed care is …show more content…

Since starting the LPN program, I have seen some unprofessional actions presented by some of the facilities. For example, we were visiting Life Care Center South Hill a few weeks ago and arrived at 5 AM and was expected to be on the floor by 6 AM for the shift exchange and report. However, more than a handful of the nurses, including the aids were at least 15 minutes late for their shift almost every single day that we were there. Patient’s call lights were going off and been left unanswered due to the night shift had already “signed off” from their shift. On top of it, two aids argued with each other very loudly I might add, in front of everyone. I saw this as very unprofessional because regardless of the issues that we have with other coworkers, they should be taken with each other in a private manner and if it does not get resolved, then it should be taken to the next higher up position such as the nursing supervisor. Punctuality is just one of the key components in professionalism. As nurses, it is our responsibility to show professionalism in the workplace at all times. Nurses are constantly judged by our behaviors and how we present ourselves to others. “Professional appearance, demeanor, and behavior are important in establishing trustworthiness and competence” (Potter & Perry, 2015, p. 188). When you are acting a professional,