Explain How Various Forms Of Media Affect Public Perception Of Leadership

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Describe how various forms of media affect/impact public perception of leadership and organizational effectiveness.

The use of social media is the culture in the 21st century and it represents both opportunity and risks. Social media provides the opportunity to create, share, collaborate, learn, solve problems and offer instant access to the world; it provides a platform to connect with customers and shape their perspectives. On the other hand, it represents a significant alteration in the balance of power towards individuals and away from the organization, as an angry blog or live Facebook streaming can tarnish a long-established brand and quickly coalesce people behind a cause. Social media somewhat changed the dynamic of leadership and the marketing landscape. Its revolution embraces change, transparency, and diverse perspectives.

Leaders are faced with more scrutiny due to easy accessibility to and exposure through social media. Social media disrupts leadership and management style as employees and customers expect more transparency, more clarity, and more change. With this shift towards social media, leaders can be more effective if they are trustworthy, more open, and generative. It is “changing the way companies can …show more content…

Organizations’ missteps, successes, and failures are more on display as compared to previous times. A recent example of social media changing the narrative of an organization is the video of two African-American men being arrested for not making a purchase while waiting for a business partner at a Starbuck restaurant. This video went viral and drew widespread condemnation on social media; Starbucks is now viewed by some, as an organization that has a culture of racial bias despite the previous years of great service to their