Explain The Barriers To Communication In Health And Social Care

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Learning aim B: Investigate barriers to communication in health and social care 1B.3 Outline the barriers to communication in health and social care . 2B.P3 Describe the barriers to commumicatio in health and social care and their effects on service users. ●Physical Barriers-These are objects tht prevent an individual form getting where they must go e.g. a wheelchair user is unable to enter a building because the doorway is too narrow or there are streps so they can’t get to the entrance . ●Psychological Barriers -This barriers affects the way an individual thinks about a service e.g. it may be they have a fear of the dentist . If a individual feels unwell but they are worried about finding out what is wrong. ●Cultural barriers-Include difference in the interpretation of word meanings in diferent cultures even though they mey be using a common language . ●Organizations barriers -Can be directly attributed to poor operational practices . ●Linguistic barriers – Include jargon and acronyms that mean different things to different grups . ● Interpersonal barriers-Include the meny nonverbal signals that can easly be misinterpreted. 1B.4 Identify ways in which barriers to communication may be overcome for individuals with sensory loss . 2B.P4 Using examples, explain ways in which barriers to communication may be overcome and the benefits to service users of overcoming these barriers. 2B.M2 Explain how measures have been implemented to overcome barriers to