Explain The Importance Of Working Partnership In Health And Social Care

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The term Partnership can be recognised as two or a number of different services providing Health care, having a system in place that can merge information with other organisations in order to provide an efficient service for the service user, Partnership is also a shared commitment among partners. There are numerous philosophies which are the foundations in which the concept of partnership within the health and social care sector is built upon. A productive working Partnership could be deemed as a professional and mutual relationship which is based on the concepts and foundations of trust. Which then creates the long-term goal of basing the needs and personal matters of the service user at the forefront of providing the most efficient care …show more content…

A good Working partnership between management and their staff will ensure that when issues do arise that they handled with efficiency and with professionalism all the while insuring that the service users needs are met. There will be occasions when mishaps do happen, and they are out of the control of the members of staff. But when those circumstances do surface, there has to be protocol measures which are already in place, so the situation can be resolved, if immediate attempt is made and has failed, then the follow up procedure should be implemented, causes of concerns can raise many unwanted problems for the Health care organisations. Having a strong foundation between all parties involved can help make the assessment and conclusion of a situation more manageable. A good working partnership ensures that the organisation and those working for that company have a reciprocated understanding of what the common goal is, and they both approach the goal with professionalism and determination to get the job done …show more content…

Looking at an overall definition states that Empowerment in health and social care organisations means to give permission or enable staff members, the care takers and the service users. This enables those who are involved has the freedom to make their own choices and voice their own opinions depending on what course of action woks best.
Independence: Allows those or use and work with the organisation the choice to decide on what works best for them individually, for example staff can feel that their own opinion and understanding of a situation can assist management in deciding the best course of action to take, whilst the service user can still maintain their independence by members of staff allowing and understanding that the service user has a right to make choices for themselves as long as they are capable in doing