Explain What The Word Taking Ownership Of Your Learning Means To You

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1. Explain what the phrase “taking ownership of your learning” means to you.
I personally think that “taking ownership of your learning” means that the learner goes beyond the usual class-dictated boundaries, makes learning a personal responsibility and interest, and internalizes not only the knowledge itself, but also acquires the technique and mindset surrounding it. They become able to use it to their benefit in unrelated situations and to effectively describe and teach the subject to others and guide them on their path to knowledge in the matter.
2. To complete this assignment, you should add personal reflections to these 7 bullet points that describe what a successful UoPeople student does.
• Takes ownership of the learning process by …show more content…

It is already the fourth week since I started here, and while I’m not completely confident in my aptitude quite yet, I have come to understand the importance of research and personal understanding of a matter since we have had to write quite a few papers already, and most if not all of them required us to go find our sources and information by ourselves.
• Pushes him/herself to think deeper about issues and draw connections to their personal, academic, and professional lives.
I have little to say about this, but I still think I kind of understand. For example, since starting globalization, I genuinely think I understand what globalization means, and I noticed that I am actually using the knowledge I gained to comment on online forums more effectively when engaging with other people.
• Views the instructor as a guide, but themselves as the pursuer of deeper understanding.
As UoPeople students, it is our responsibility to take care of our learning. Our instructor is there if we need her/him, but ideally, we should be able to rely on ourselves to acquire the knowledge that is offered to us.
• Learns collaboratively, through peer engagement and