Ian Cole Interview Essay

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On Thursday, September 14th, my fellow classmates and I had the privilege to interview and speak with a new teacher in the education field; Ian Cole. During the interview, Mr Cole explained to the class how important it is as an educator to make each classroom a comfort zone for all students giving them the equal chance to learn and develop as both an individual and a whole. He spoke about the school in which he teaches and how important it is to love what you do everyday in order to succeed and accelerate. Mr. Cole allowed the class to ask him divergent questions and answered effectively and to his full potential. Allowing a class of educators to speak with someone who recently walked down the road they are currently walking on gives them …show more content…

Fear is something that unfortunately, everyone will face. Personally, I feel that once I enter a classroom as the teacher, it will all hit at once and fear will finally take over. It was asked about being nervous and what the biggest fear was when walking into the classroom and the response in which Ian gave was generally what I had imagined my own fear being while teaching as well. Ian said that due to being put into a classroom in the middle of the year definitely cause him to be shaken and nervous. Walking into a class, not even knowing what he is expected to teach was a challenge in which he overcame day by day. In that particular situation where he was just placed into a classroom mid school year, the biggest fear was mentally being able to keep himself together. Within the first years of teaching, though, speaking more generally, the biggest fear that was faced was being able to admit that you do not know everything and you has a teacher can learn as well. As much as the students believe that you have an answer to everything, unfortunately, you do not but, that is perfectly fine. Ways to go about not knowing something is taking down the question in which you were unsure of and finding more out whether it is through research or fellow colleagues and returning to the next class with a