Explain Why I Want To Be A Game Tester

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The reason I want to get a game tester job is because I love games and I plan on making my own game when I get done with school Getting a video game tester job is not necessarily varying easy the prime qualification for the career is the ability to be a qualified video game player 1. You have to play on every level 2.using as many pathways inasmuch different combination as possible. Game tester will have to be able to demonstrate their ability to play high standards to give as many opportunities as possible to find all the bug tester also should be able to use software well including Microsoft office products and have some knowledge of windows and other operating systems used in game. They have to have good communication skill to work together with other tester and operators used in games. Game tester spend long hours on the same part trying to do different thing in the game and different actions and if you want to be a game tester be sure that you have the necessary communication skills and can organize yourself and be disciplined enough to test the games rather Than simply just playing them depend on experience and where you work. In the first few years you can expect to get on average around $30,000 with the increase to $40,000 wit in 4 year or so of experience under your belt. They won’t just take anyone though so don’t think this is an easy walk in the park. …show more content…

The best option of those wanting to get a video game tester job is going to a video game design related school and getting your feet wet there a good programs will have connection to the industry and prepare you for working with game