
Exploratory Methods To Individualize Learning In Physical Education

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Movement education uses problem-solving, guided-discovery, and exploratory methods, to individualize learning in physical education. Movement education is the part of teaching or education which educates individuals to develop their motor skills through physical movement. It is important because it helps students grow intellectually, emotionally and physically. Movement education also helps develop students brains, bones, muscles, balance, agility, and reaction time. Movement can increase your chances of living longer by reducing your chances of becoming obese, reducing your chances of having a stroke at a young and old ages and reduce stress.
Movement Education is an individualized, non competitive, problem solving approach to physical education, in which students discover the answers to various questions. Students are constantly verbally reinforced the information and techniques to help reinforce by creatively giving solutions through movement. Movement education allows student to find the …show more content…

Locomotor movements are movements where the body travels through space from one location to another. Locomotor movements primarily use the feet for support however, the body can travel on other parts such as the hands and feet. For example, walking, running, jumping, hopping, leaping, skipping, sliding and galloping. Non locomotor movements are movements that occur in the body parts or the whole body and do not cause the body to travel to another space. However, non locomotor movements can be combined with locomotor movements such as a walk and arm swing. For instance, bending and stretching, twisting and turning, pushing and pulling and swinging. Manipulative skills are one in which a student handles an object with the hands, feet, or other body parts. Manipulative skills are basic to the development of sport skills. Specifically, throwing, catching, kicking and

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