Exploring The Effect Of Video Games On Tantrums In Children With Autism

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The Effect of Video Games on Tantrums in Children with Autism
Academic Institution

In recent years, a great deal of scholarly attention has been directed to the effects of video games on children and adolescents, especially with their impact on the children’s predilection towards aggression and violent behaviors. As many of the video games that are currently on the market, such as the Grand Theft Auto series, Minecraft, and World of Warcraft, depict exceptionally graphic violence, the major concern is that the violence within these games desensitizes youth and renders them far less empathetic than they might have been without video games. As the situation now stands, the empirical evidence regarding this possible correlation is inconclusive. To be sure, video games have simply not been around long enough for researchers to derive definitive conclusions about their affect on human behavior.

The Effect of Video Games on Tantrums in Children with Autism
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As many of the video games that are currently on the market, such as the Grand Theft Auto series, Minecraft, and World of Warcraft, depict exceptionally graphic violence, the major concern is that the violence within these games desensitizes youth and renders them far less empathetic than they might have been without video games. As the situation now stands, the empirical evidence regarding this possible correlation is inconclusive. To be sure, video games have simply not been around long enough for researchers to derive definitive conclusions about their affect on human

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