Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper

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“There must be something in books, things we can't imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house." Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 This quote from the famous scene in the book by Ray Bradbury shows the significance of books in a dystopian America where books are banned. The woman in this scene was about to have her books banned and would rather give up her life than lose the knowledge in her greatest possession. Today in America, people have begun to substitute books for the internet or electronics. Some would rather spend time watching a favorite show or playing a video game, and may even say reading is a waste of time. Reading can also be very beneficial for one's mental and physical health. Reading can relieve stress, help with sleepless nights, and even help build attention and focus. Reading …show more content…

For some, specifically kids, reading can increase stress instead of relaxing them. On the contrary, reading can open up a whole new world for young minds. It can be an escape from a reality that children will be eager to learn more about. Reading before bed can also help with sleep. Reading can decrease stress, allowing a person to relax into sleep. It can also allow one to associate reading with sleep if they fall into a routine of doing it every night before going to sleep. Switching the phone off and reading on paper is an efficient way to tell the mind that it is time to sleep. During December 2019, a study called The Reading Trial took place. The results ended with 42% of people claiming reading improved their sleep and 28% claiming reading did not improve it. This can show that reading helps more people sleep. However, reading in bright light or for long periods of time can reduce the needed amount of sleep and keep a person up late at night. Although, if a routine is kept and a dim light can be turned on, this issue can be easily

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