Film Summary And Film Analysis: Food Inc.

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The average American today tend to believe that the food they buy from local grocery stores and the food they eat at restaurants are protected and safe. However, the documentary film, Food Inc., has clearly proved that what the average consumer thought was wrong. Large food companies often abuse their contract farmers, and farm owners treat their livestock and poultry in a cruel manner. Food products sold in markets have been genetically altered, and many processed food are just clever rearrangements of corn. Consumers control the quality and safety of the foods that are being produced by the food industry.
The average consumer does not feel very powerful against the food industry, however it is the exact opposite because when they buy food they are voting for local or not or organic or not. Consumer power is a powerful force. Whenever people go to the grocery store and make a purchase they are sending a positive message to the company selling that product. Without knowing, people are casting their vote, “Yes, I want more”. For example, individual buyers were able to change Wal-Mart’s milk options to now offer organic. Therefore, when people stop purchasing products from corrupted companies they will lose start to business and profit. Switching to other healthier brands will lead companies to seek ways to sway purchasers back to them. …show more content…

People should not only focus on the price of the product but they need to be aware of the labels in order to make healthy choices about what they are eating. Food companies cleverly create inviting packages and catchy slogans and offers to attract consumers. Unfortunately, many nutrition labels are incredibly misleading, leading shoppers to think they’re choosing healthy foods when they’re really not. Hence, research is important and people need to be extra careful of what they are putting into their shopping