
Film Summary: The Good Lie Movie Poster

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The Good Lie
The Good Lie movie poster is very eye-catching. As soon as one sees the poster, the eyes move directly to the woman on the top half portion of the poster. The way the light reflects on her fair completion makes her piercing sky blue eyes and soft features stand out. Another way the woman stands out is by her dark, red hair. Her hair stands out because the color of it is a main contrast to the three main colors used in this poster, which are different shades of golds, browns, and whites. The background behind the woman also peaks the authors interest because of the illustration of a golden city with large skyscrapers’. The bottom of the movie poster has a big contrast from the top half portion of the poster. Although …show more content…

There is also bold text with different information; the title, the main actress, a quote, release date, movie rating, and more. The title, The Good Lie, is most dominant because it is written in a large, written in mainly white, bold, easy to read print. Also, the text that reads “Reese Witherspoon” is dominant. It is also in a large, bold, and easy to read print but in contrast to the title, it is written in brown. To catch the viewer’s eye, the poster also mentions that Reese Witherspoon is an academy award winner. All of the writing considered to be more dominant is also in all capital letters. There is also text written on the poster that is less dominant. For example, there is a quote that states “Miracles are made by people who refuse to stop believing.” This quote is written in brown and is not as dominant as the other words on this poster because of the smaller point font. The only other piece of information that is large enough to be distinguished easily in this poster is the release date, October third. The artist of this poster made all of the information on this poster very visually clear and the information was effective on getting the attention of anyone that sees the poster. Although it is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, the words on this poster also speak to the passer-by of the

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