Final Essay

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From ancient Rome to present-day America, scientists have been using the power of science to improve the lives of all humanity. For thousands of years, science has proved to make life easier while furthering the understandings of how the world works. Science has improved the wellbeing of humanity through enhanced medicines, understanding of the human body and discoveries of the natural world. Diseases and illness have been reduced and human life extended by the great efforts of science. Scientists influence the world through science by contributing to the goal of furthering the understanding and life of humankind and in turn positively impacting the way mankind lives. Contributions of scientists have been in play for thousands of years changing …show more content…

One of the most well known and earliest American scientists is Benjamin Franklin. He started his life as a businessman and scholar trying to live a life free of England's oppressive rule in the new world. After watching the hardships people faced right around him, he began searching for a way to fix these problems (Cohen). Setting his mind on finding a solution to aid him in his quest to help all lives he dove into the realm of science looking for answers (Cohen). Science is a broad subject so Benjamin's first interest was in Isaac Newton's life, experiments, and books on the matter of science. After studying science for some time he looked to use this knowledge to help people by finding a problem and fixing it. Lightning a occurrence of nature was a serious problem if a house got hit by a bolt most likely it would burn to the ground for firefighters were not organized yet by Benjamin Franklin. Solving this problem would mean stopping lightning from striking a house every time a storm passed and causing dangerous destruction. To figure the problem out he figured the best way would be …show more content…

The Roman people were proud of their empire and wanted it to thrive and last for eternity just like the gods they worshiped. Accomplishing this took the minds of the Romans greatest scholars, engineers, and scientists. Rome’s military was its greatest and most formidable strength which strived to conquer the world around them adding to its already vast empire. Conquering was accomplished with the development of armor and weapons that were more superior in quality than any other army, for the weapons and armor were stronger, lighter, and tougher than anyone else's. This was accomplished with the help from Rome’s intelligent scientists so they could have the ability to retain their conquered subjects. Rome’s army needed a way to check on its subjects in a fast effective way with little to no obstacles. Accomplishing this would be a great feat that was put to the responsibility of the empire's greatest scientific minds. After working hard and long they found more solutions than they sought to find, multiple ways to make their empire stronger and last longer. At first the Roman scientists formulated a chemical mixture and making of the compound concrete. They began using this new material to make roads, structures, and bridges faster, stronger, cheaper, and last much longer (Stephen). The development of this compound opened new