Food In The Elizabethan Era

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In the Elizabethan Era, many different foods and drinks were consumed. Some of the food you ate depended on how much money you had, and where you lived. There were also time periods where everyone would eat at the same time. First of all, drinking was a very important part of the Elizabethan culture, with alcohol widely consumed at all levels of society. Ale was the most popular drink that was dranken. But, wine and strong spirits, such as brandy and gin, were also consumed. The wealthy often bought exotic, and more expensive wines, such as Canary and Rhenish. While the poor drank the more cheaper wines and ales produced, they would still drink more expensive wines on special occasions. Desserts were also a big part of the Elizabethan culture. They were typically served at the end of a meal. Fruit tarts, pies, cakes, and pudding were the main desserts consumed. In all of these desserts, they all had a lot of sugar, which the citizens would often do to show and display their wealth. …show more content…

A lot of meat was eaten during this time period, but they would only eat what was affordable. Also, many different nuts and vegetables were also eaten. According to Elizabethan Food, people during these times really liked vegetables. They would eat vegetables like turnips, parsnips, carrots, corn, and a lot of others. Also according to Elizabethan Food, people loved to eat varieties of nuts. Nuts like hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts, peas, and others were mainly eaten. If you had a lot of money, they would treat themselves to very nice meals. The main meal that was considered “lavished” was fish. But, these people wouldn’t just eat it everyday. According to Elizabethan Food and Era Facts, fish was eaten weekly on wednesdays, fridays, and saturdays. So, after reading this, it wasn’t just meat and drinks that were eaten, but also varieties of vegetables and nuts were also