Free Trip To The Spider Tactic Stadium

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Juan life Once a pond a time there lived a spider name Juan. He lived in spider kingdom. In this story you learn about a spider name Juan, a teacher and a class room of spiders. The teacher called him up and said. “Juan you have failing grades, but u still have the best grades in class. I am going to award u a free trip to go to the Spider Tactic Stadium. OMG thank you so much said Juan. 5 days later he got his test back and got an E but, he knows he still have the best grades in the class. 2 days later it was 2:49. He had one more minuet until the ball park until he gets to go on his trip. 5 hours later he is at the ball park. He is getting ice cream and he hears a sound. CRACK! The ball is coming at him. He is frozen in fear. The ball hits