Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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After Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence for help, Friar Laurence proposes a plan of the night before the wedding that she must drink a sleeping potion that will make her appear to be dead, of where she will be laid at the Capulet’s tomb. After Juliet was taken to the churchyard and in the tomb, Friar Lawrence later that night goes by her so the potion could cease. When Juliet awakes, she asks Friar where her husband is, but “then a noise did scare me from the tomb” which was the watch coming (5.3.271). Friar Lawrence tells Juliet that Romeo and Paris are both dead and that she must leave him. Juliet refuses to leave, leaving Friar, fearful that the watch is imminent and exists without her. After Lord Capulet storms out of the room, Juliet begs