
Gender Inequality In America Essay

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Women in America struggle with gender inequality, but women in Africa have it worse. Women have always been the mothers of society; however, they are not treated equally to men. Women deserve equality for all they do for society because they are the child bearers, the caregivers, and the nurturers of humanity. Women in Africa did not start out with being oppressed, but they have been oppressed for decades; however, they are making progression towards having equal rights. Women in Africa have not always been oppressed. Women were actually treated as equals, if not better, than men because society was matriarchal, meaning women where the heads of households. (Chengu, Garikai Correspondent). This is different from America where men are traditionally seen as the heads of families. The colonization of Africa by Christians, with the domestic idea of women, destroyed women’s rights. (Chengu, Garikai Correspondent). This can also be seen as …show more content…

Some problems that women face are reproductive oppression, farmer exploitation, asset stripping of widows, and denial of rights. (Mwai, George). These problems are illegal in America and most western countries because we had women’s rights movements in the 1900s. The government of Kenya tried to control women based on the Malthusian theory. (Mwai, George). The Malthus theory is that population grows at geometric ratio, while food supplies grow at an arithmetic ratio. (Mahama, John). This theory has other solutions, so the government of Kenya was probably using it as a way to justify a different motive. Also, as developing nations are thrown into economic crisis, women’s rights become less of a topic of interest and are not talked about as much. African cultures and religions also oppress women by requiring them to conform to beauty standards through altering their bodies. (Mwai, George). This is normally not seen in cultures in the western

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