Gender Wage Gap Essay

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The Research Topic I will be investigating is the disbelief of the gender wage gap in Australia. This topic interests me as a girl in the workforce who believes in equal pay for equal work. Through Bloom’s Taxonomy, I was able to narrow and refine my question to form a high-level thinking question which would allow me to create an insightful outcome on the gender wage gap. The purpose this research will be to find a solution to the wage gap in Australia for future generations of females to earn equal pay, as well as encouraging women to make a stand against the inequality. This formed a researchable topic on the gender wage gap for my Research Project, “What social/cultural obstacles contribute to the persistence of the gender wage gap in Australia, and how can they be addressed?”
The subtopics which will be explored through the outcome will be:
• What is the gender wage gap, and how much do women earn compared to men?
• What are the reasons for the disbelief of the wage gap? Can these reasons be justified
• How has the 1950s stigma that women are housewives influenced the gap?
• How can the disbelief in the gender wage gap in Australia be resolved?
• How can belief in the gender wage gap be used to resolve it?
These subtopics will enable me …show more content…

These interviews will be with women in a variety of workplace positions to ensure they are valid. The surveys will be conducted with students in year 11 and 12, as well as adults in the workforce, this will provide me with accurate information and valid responses from those most affected by the gender wage gap. Documentaries, websites, and articles will provide me with a range of qualitative and quantitative data in relation to the social and cultural effects of the gender wage