Global Warming Persuasive Essay

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Pick up any newspaper or turn on any news channel and it is hard to avoid the topic of global warming. It is an ever growing issue that has caught the eye of many esteemed scholars with opposing positions regarding its severity. While there are very few scientist that denounce that global warming actually exists, the overwhelming debate is if mankind is actually the root cause of the problem. A vast array of scientist and political activist believe that CO2 emissions produced from fossil fuels are causing an increase in Earths greenhouse gases. They believe that it will inevitable cause global destruction if it is not rectified. While skeptics continue to negate the fact due to the lack of empirical evidence that has been found. The fine line …show more content…

It is the rise in temperature on our planet due to an increase in atmospheric gases. Global warming activist believe that it is this rise in temperature that will continue to increase and create a more unstable climate. They state that this will inevitably cause for more violent and unpredictable weather. Species across the planet that are relying on the current climate, may be effected due to this change. James Payne states that many activist believe the “main cause of this continuing temperature rise is the emission of carbon dioxide due to consumption of fossil fuels” (Payne 266). It is this position on which political figures in favor of manmade global warming have taken a stance to call for more stringent regulations on fossil fuel …show more content…

The IPCC is a subcommittee of the United Nations were many of the climate alarmist evidence derive from. According to Fitzgerald, the IPCC “ claimed the warming of the planet owing to buildup of concentrations of greenhouse gases is a result of man’s activities and threatens long term future and life as we know it”(Fitzgerald 191). The IPCC, however, does not show empirical evidence regarding any of their findings. In fact, according to Payne, their findings only include the words “likely, very likely, and medium confidence” (Payne