
Interview With Author-Historian Geoffrey Parker

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Global warming is the rapid increasing of Earth’s average temperature over the past century major. Have you ever heard about the increasing of earth’s temperature? It is the result of earth’s atmosphere trapping the sun’s heat. Many scientists have proved that the huge amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses are heating up our atmosphere which indicates the earth’s temperature is on alert. Everyone have suffered for the hottest and coldest years ever in human’s history. Some of Americans acknowledge that Global warming is the biggest problem that the world is facing today. However, others seem does not care much about this serious world affair and think that global warming is caused by the nature. They argue that human is not …show more content…

The “Interview With Author-Historian Geoffrey Parker” by David Lauterborn that was published on May 01, 2013 has shown clearly how and why the global warming has appeared and happened simultaneously with the wars and the development of industry. Through the European historical document, historian Geoffrey Parker found out the cooling weather phenomenon has happened since 1640 after the European wars in the beginning of 17th century. Since many civil wars had happened, the consequence of dead bodies and used weapons contaminated the environment seriously. Moreover, Parker also investigate the Third Programme record, ”a very prominent NASA solar physicist looked at the records particularly after Galileo started using a telescope to look at the sun in 1610” (Military history, question.8). There were lots of sunspots. However, the sunspots disappeared for over a century from 1640 with the cooling weather, and does not return until …show more content…

In “Global Warming Basics”, NRDC groups states that “Though Americans make up just 4 percent of the world's population, we produce 25 percent of the carbon dioxide pollution from fossil-fuel burning -- by far the largest share of any country.”(Global Warming Basics group). The fact is that we are the most developed nation in the world with the largest economy and industry, and thus, Americans own their own cars and drive over seven thousands miles per year. The huge amount of carbon dioxide from these cars is then released into the air every day. This interpretation of data might be criticized by some Americans, who have argued that the waste disposal system and other anti-pollution methods are applied in America. Indeed, American scientists are searching for substituting energy sources that does not using carbon to avoid the formation of carbon dioxide in the air. They also plan to produce hybrid and electric cars to lessen the amount of carbon dioxide that does into the air. However, we are still working on it which means the amount of waste released into the air are not lessening. Also, there are not a lot of people driving electricity or environmental-friendly cars. The pollutants from coal-burning power plants and from automobile are uncountable: “Coal-burning power plants are the largest U.S. source of carbon dioxide pollution -- they produce 2.5 billion tons every year. Automobiles,

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