Gloria Case Interview Paper

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Gloria is a single mother, due to her divorce. In addition to being divorced, she is seeking therapy. She is having a hard time explaining her sex life to her daughter. Based on the two sessions, the sessions with Dr. Carl Rogers and Dr. Fritz Perls, I believe Gloria should continue her therapy with Dr. Rogers. When Gloria walks in the therapist office, she instantly said “You seem nice, warm and kind, it does not look like you would judge me.” Therapeutic relationship is being created instantly based on body language, and the set-up of the office. Trust is as important to the therapist as the scalpel is to the surgeon. In order to benefit from therapy the client has to be willing to share their biggest concerns and secrets. They will only …show more content…

Roger. The positive is that the therapist was not a parrot, on the contrary he was working to understand in all the delicate details of the conversation. These include, but are not limited to, the meanings and feelings expressed in what the Gloria has said. To continue the therapist then said it all that back to Gloria, offering along with it his own inner understanding of what Gloria has said. This therapist believes that the client knows the answers and potentially could find them, if he/she looked deep enough. Thus by Gloria talking about her issue and taking everything apart. In addition to examining every answer, she eventually will get the answer which she is looking for. I would also pick this for Gloria because she opened up a great deal about her issue without feeling judged, but feeling comfortable talking about her issue. Which is an ideal situation for a therapy session. Within this therapy session, the only weakness I would say is present was Gloria getting frustrated at the fact that Dr. Rogers would not give her advice or the answers that she was seeking. This makes me question if Gloria will come back to seek therapy with Dr. …show more content…

Rogers addressed all of the concerns that Gloria has presented, which differs in comparision to the other therapist. Gloria discusses her sex life and how she had lied to her daughter Pammy. She expressed her struggle on wanting sexual intercourse, without feeling judged by society and especially not by her daughter. Gloria and Dr. Rogers dicussed most of the issues that were presented by Gloria, at the same time he made an effort to help Gloria seek the answers within herself. Dr. Rogers was preparaing Gloria to answer her own questions through examining her own life and finding the best answer that would help her. After all we are the only experts on

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