Persuasive Essay On Gmo Pros And Cons

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Eliu T. Ate Jr. 03/07/18 Period 02 GMO GMOS are genetically modified organisms that have had new genes from other organisms added to their existing genes. Studies say that the goal of doing this genetic engineering is to give the original organism new characteristics, like disease resistance. Adding GMOS to food can result significant allergy risks to people who consume GMO food products. Genetic modification sometimes mixes or adds proteins that isn’t or wasn’t apart of the original plant or animal, that’s causing an allergic reaction to form in the human body. Also studies state le that GMOs are not always tested so thoroughly. GMO testing also involves performing experiments in animals. GMOs should no longer be able to be put in food products.& …show more content…

People are fighting against animal abuse and their doing these kind of things to these animals. Sometimes animals even die during the testing. Humans are willing to treat animals poorly for the benefit of ourselves. How we treat others helps define who we are as people, I guess this is who we are like it or not. Yeah people may turn around and say that GMO creates more food products. But how can we create more food that may cause people to have health risks, hurt animals, and cause people with health problems to have more problems to have health. Thinking that’s it’s helping when in reality it’s not, it’s causing more problems in the world. I think in my own opinion that GMOs should no longer be used any longer due to all the reasons I stated and backed up. ‘This is only my opinion but in reality we can’t really do or say anything that change things but only share what we feel is best for ourselves and other people. Eliu T. Ate Jr. 03/07/18 Period 02 …show more content…

That can cause someone to lead to having more health problems that can become really severe and cause more health damage. Wasn’t GMOs created to help withstand diseases? when really it’s causing another disease to grow. If GMOs are meant to help people, why does it have to cause so many health risks to people. It’s become a health hazard and shouldn’t be allowed, the world was fine before GMOs came to be so wats the difference now. Many studies states that GMOs aren’t even tested thoroughly. The shortest GMO testing times are mere 90 days, being swear of this , it puts fear in so many people. Many people are claiming that’s simply not enough time to a certain all of the risks that may cause to happen. It may and could affect the people in unpredictable ways due to the lack of not going through all the possible risks. Especially testing with animals. Testing GMOs sometimes involve experiments with animals, which makes some people feel that’s against animal rights. People are fighting against animal abuse and their doing these kind of things to these animals. Sometimes animals even die during the testing. Humans are willing to treat animals poorly for the benefit of ourselves. How we treat others helps define who we are as people, I guess this is who we are like it or

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