Gmo Vs Organic Farming

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GMOs VS. Organic Farming
Because we really do not understand the consequences of GMOs, as consumers we are the scientist’s lab rats. Brooke Borel explains in Popular Science Magazine How GMOs Work; “Scientists extract a bit of DNA from an organism, modify or make copies of it, and incorporate it into the genome of the same species or a second one. They do this either by using bacteria to deliver the new genetic material, or by shooting tiny DNA-coated metal pellets into plant cells with a gene gun. While scientists cannot control exactly where the foreign DNA will land, they can repeat the experiment until they get a genome with the right information in the right place.” Organic food is nourishment that has been developed or administered without …show more content…

Farmers and scientists have been breeding plants with desirable traits for years to create the best crops. For example, look at all the many varieties of apples. However, when discussing GMOs you are also looking at test-tube meats, 3D printing and other genetically altered foods. “Using stem cells from a cows shoulder, Professor Mark Post of Maastricht University, created a burger that took 3 months to grow. Reports suggest the patty had a normal flavor, but had a dry texture” (Callen). Scientists believe that genetically modified food is a healthier way to produce exactly what the consumer needs to survive. Because our population is growing at a fast pace and we cannot control the climate change. Popular Science Magazine writer Brooke Borel states that, “Researchers from the University of Perugia in Italy published a review of one thousand seven hundred and eighty three GMO safety tests; seven hundred and seventy examined the health impact on humans or animals. They found no evidence that the foods are dangerous.” With our food supply diminishing by our fast, growing population GM Foods could be beneficial. Mass production and low costs seems sufficient and theoretically …show more content…

Eating an organic diet (as prescribed by federal guidelines) has shown in a study supported by the Environmental Protection Agency to decrease detectable levels of pesticides in children.” People may find it rather disturbing to know their children are consuming pesticides. Studies have proven the negatives and positives of GM foods; regardless, GMOs are unnatural and potentially dangerous. Research funds now available for the development of GM crops could be better spent in other areas of plant science such as, nutrition, strategy exploration, and supremacy, along with solutions close to local market conditions, if the goal is to provide sufficient sustenance for the worlds rising population in a maintainable way. Rather than spending money, ruining good farming land by cutting down trees, to build laboratories to create fake food. One could benefit from the land we live on and start growing fresh crops and taking better care of our personal crops and animals, our real valuable supplies for food, to have a more natural, healthier, cost-efficient way of