
Gospel Of Mark Essay

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After reading the entire Gospel of Mark it stood out to me that Jesus loved so many people no matter the race, condition, or attitude. Jesus is open to cureing everyone who asks for his help. Jesus is so brave for helping those who may even be possessed. In Mark 16:16-18 “he who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemmed. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tounges; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any dreadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” This section of Mark hit me. Jesus knew he was going to be crusified so he prepared himself and touched the hearts of those …show more content…

I have attended Catholic school since Kindergarten. I know all of the stories, but I have never read a Gospel from end to end before this project. Reading the Gospel of Mark in its entirety showed me the human side of Jesus. Mark depicted Jesus as a real human being that reacted with true human emotions. He mentions Jesus’ “pity feelings, anger, triumph, sympathy, surprise, admiration, sadness, and indignation.” In the Gospel of Mark I see Jesus as this “legend” that people were all talking about. Many had seen him, many wanted to see him, and they would do anything to get close to him, hear his voice or touch him. A question that I still have about the Gospel of Mark is why Jesus decided to walk on water while traveling to Bethsaida. He terrified the disciples who thought he was a ghost. Jesus told them, “Do not be afraid!” and that “He meant to pass by them.” However, I find it hard to believe that if Jesus really didn’t want them to see him, he would have and could have avoided them entirely. I have a much better understanding of who Jesus is after reading the Mark’s account of his

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