Government Vs Roman Government Essay

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Assembly- An event where the qualified citizens met in the market square of the city to vote on issues proposed by the suffetes and senate, nd the election of officials.

Citizenship- Only males from the city of Carthage qualified for citizenship. Women, slaves and foreigners did not qualify for citizenship and were not allowed to participate in government.

(Cartwright, 2016)

Carthage held its mostly oligarchical government with some democratic components, on the fertile coast of South Africa. Furthermore, as an economic society that depended on trade and money they greatly differed from the Romans who mainly depended on their success in military combat and conquering of other territories. Furthermore, while there was an existence of aristocratic families that were represented in a supreme council, and while the government did appear to have a firm control from oligarchs, it was found that town meetings, trade unions and elected legislators displayed some democratic elements (Carthage, 2017). It is also suggested that the Carthaginians provided more room for their public to sway government decisions, than the Romans did. This government system also differs from Rome, because of the way that Carthage separated the civil government from the military. In fact, it is found that the appointed …show more content…

The elected Magistrates and the the Senate, and the Assemblies and Tribunes each had certain roles in order to prevent any one person or group of people from gaining too much power. The Magistrates kept a check of the Senate, but at the same time the Senate did have the power to not give money to the magistrates, the assemblies had the right to reject laws that were approved by the Senate, and the Tribunes did have the power to veto officials' actions (Wasson, 2015). As it can be seen, this system is meant to provide room for each position to check one another so that one does not become more powerful than the