
Grange Insurance Performance Management System

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First, performance is what employees are paid to do on their job. Any duties, tasks, or responsibilities required of the position and the employees behavior is also a component of performance. Now many managers assume that the results of employee behavior is described as performance but that is not the case. So in this scenario, performance is what the baker does when she reports to make donuts and what the cashier does when she provides customer service to customers by communicating effectively and performing her cashier duties.

Most companies have a unique set of core values that they believe contribute to business success through distinguishing them from competitors and helping create a brand image in the eyes of customers, clients, employees, …show more content…

Grange Insurance performance management system for its associates includes both job-relevant performance objectives and core values. Managers rate the extent to which employees engage in behaviors underlying the company's core values, which include candor, do the right thing, integrity, ownership, and teamwork. For example, the evaluation for candor includes considering whether the associate engages in behaviors such as openly sharing information, seeks honest and constructive feedback, delivers honest and constructive feedback, and addresses problems and issues even when they are unpleasant or sensitive. Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (EIRMC) in Idaho Falls evaluates employees on seven values and their underlying behavior. The values and example behavior in parentheses include accountability (works to achieve individual, department, and hospital goals), I am EIRMC and I CARE (demonstrates the use of the center's caring model with every patient and visitor), integrity (manages conflict appropriately), respect (respects co-workers by being on time), quality (identifies a potential problem and also potential solutions), loyalty (builds teamwork by being a good team member and not backbiting), and enjoyment (greets and welcomes each person with a smiling face and a kind word). EIRMC uses a five-point scale to rate employees on the values. The scale values range from 1 meaning the employee exceeds expectations to 5 meaning their performance is

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