Grieving In Groups

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Purpose: To support group members that are have shared about grieving their loss. Identifying and exploring the issues that are related to their feelings of loss. To gain insight and perspective of what they are feeling now. To offer guidance and coping strategies through free association taught stopping techniques. Also important are the opportunity they will have in helping others who they know who are experiencing grief/loss (Capuzzi David, 2003).
Theme: The group members will be given an opportunity to assess where they are now and where they want to go. They will also be given an opportunity to evaluate how and if the session were beneficial to them and identify areas of improvement.
Session 4 Overview: The session began with welcome …show more content…

After the each group member shared the leaders summarized to identify key things that were expressed. (Jacobs Ed, Schimmel Christine J, 2013)
During this activity one group member walked us through his whole experience from hearing about the death to where he felt he was at now. During the sharing he was observed as still feeling angry and hurt. He also expressed some amount of depression as he said that he was sharing about it for the first time. He said he now felt better after sharing but still needed closure.
Techniques: Free Association rooted in the psychoanalytic therapy was used to encourage all the members to share their feelings through the go around technique throughout the sessions. Thought stopping which is rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was used as a way to get the group members to break the negative thought habit and reinforce a sense of reassurance. (Gladding T. Samuel 2008)
Strengths: All the techniques employed in this session were seemed to have made a huge difference in allowing the group members to analyze where they are at. Positive coping techniques was employed by the use of free association and thought …show more content…

69-71). (Please see Appendix 1)
The Stages of the group process that the members are operating in: the adjourning stage for some people was “mixed and bittersweet” where they expressed that they can’t believe that they won’t be meeting for the sessions again. Some said that they will miss the time and others needed more time.
The Closing: At the end of this final session group leaders summarized the process to ensure everyone felt fine. Some group members shared that they had gotten closure to their lost. The group members were asked based on the sessions if they felt that they would be able to help others. Some said ‘yes’ to an extent because they have a better understanding of what is grief/loss and how to cope. They now begin to see that ‘although loss is difficult they are not helpless and their situation is not necessarily hopeless (Ellis, 1997, 19986; Watzlawick, 1993). Others needed more time especially the one that was absent the week before and was given an opportunity to walk us through his experience. For him and another member who is dealing with sudden loss of a parent it is recommended that further follow up on an individual bases. They appeared to need more time for