Group Evaluation Essay

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Being assigned to work in group by an instructor can be a win/win or lose/lose situation. Every student is expected to participate. Each student is giving a task to develop as a group effort. This is based on the work quality, timeliness, support, interaction, involvement, responsibility, and attendance of each student. They are considered to be contracted in one they enter a group. As a group all assignments must be completed by all students in order for the process to move smoothly. Group work appears to be simple because who doesn’t appreciate a group of individuals working together to complete one task. Group E was a group of five students including myself who were forced to interact with one another because they had several assignments to complete between each other. This opportunity open up the door for individuals having different work habits, techniques and styles when it came to …show more content…

For example, the final group E paper draft had to be turned in before Wednesday, December 14. In my opinion everyone was able to meet the deadlines that were set. For instance, if Marlene Solomon turned her section in after the deadline, she would send the group an email stating that she her section will be delayed a day or so.
Task Support/ Interaction: Group E helped each other out a lot. When it came to minor errors or APA citations suggestions. They found ways to interact with each other. For example, David Orloski would suggest to the group ideas regarding presentation criteria and the group will support him. The support of each student was connected to the outstanding interaction everyone had with each other. Once, we found a solid way to communicate via email the support and communication was positive and helpful. Everyone participated and were available for communication, responded appropriately and