What Are The Ways In Which Group Members Should Consider When Establishing An Effective Group Communication?

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Meeting Agenda Assignment
Meeting Goals:
1. Group Functions
2. Productive Group Communication
3. Problem resolution
I. Discussion Items
A. Forming task groups and practicing problem solving strategies.
B. Achieving brainstorming techniques that produce effective results
C. Strategies to resolve group conflicts
II. Action Items
A. Review the questions that vigilant group members should consider when establishing an effective group
B. Identify a clear goal
C. Acquire strategies to effectively reduce conflict regarding group communications.
III. Information Items
A. Discuss various plans to ensure groups strategies are effective.
B. Communicate the norms of the group that will ensure group productivity
C. Determine which method of communication will best suitable for all group members.

1. I feel that I would be a democratic leader within the group. I believe that everyone should be treated fairly, and equally participate to ensure that a united group is participating in all the decision making. By leading to moderate instead of dictating …show more content…

If I noticed that a group member was unable to focus on the topics, I would attempt to ask his/ her what her input of the topic was, as I was curious what his/her thoughts were. This would be using metacommunication, and allowing someone to share with the group instead of singling them out. I also would attempt you use structure to manage the group, by allowing others to participate through a more democratic means, such as voting or drawing numbers from a bowl so that various people would have the opportunity to speak within the group. This would allow structure and to manage interaction within the group. Lastly, in an effort to give all members equal time to contribute within the meeting time parameters, I may give a 3-minute rule to assist in managing the amount of time each member shares during the meeting. This would assist those who may not have an opportunity to share often. This will assist in achieving the meeting