
Gun Control Argumentative Essay

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The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Many think that tighter regulations are needed to control gun-related violence, but in fact tighter regulations will interfere with the individual’s right to bear arms.
Gun control doesn’t work, people will still find a way to carry and conceal a weapon, like during prohibition in the 1920’s when people still found a way to drink alcohol. Many acts of terrorism, such as mass shootings and bombings, are done by people who have easy access to these guns. It is thought by the opposer, that just taking away the guns or making extremely tight regulations on the buying and selling of firearms is the solution to the problem America is facing. But, “believing …show more content…

The education system needs to go beyond teaching about what happened in the world, and start teaching more about what is happening right now. In order to lower gun-related violence, the youth needs to be educated more, especially the inner-city kids who are more likely to get involved in gangs (Farago A. 13). These inner-city kids, who are more likely to become the criminals that are misusing these weapons, along with the rest of the youth need to be educated on the right and wrong ways to use guns. They need to be taught to have common sense when handling weapons, and that violence isn’t the answer. In addition to educating the youth about gun violence, they need to be more educated about mental disorders, such as depression, that can lead to suicide. It is more likely in the United States that someone will take their own life using a gun, than for them to be killed by firearm in a homicide. In 2010, suicide by gun was 61% of all firearm related death and homicide by gun was a mere 35% of firearm related

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