Gun Control Thesis

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July 2012, a massive gun massacre occurred in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, which resulted in the death of twelve innocent civilians. While the whole nation was still deeply saddened with the loss of lives, such painful tragedy once again set off an alarm bell for every single American on the potential hazards of gun violence and intensified the debate over gun control issue nationwide.
Right after the incident, people who decided not to turn blind eye on these shooting tragedies that repeated over and over, called for legalization of a reinforced gun control law. Others, who does not believe the feasibility of gun control, either remained in silence, or stood up to assert their inviolable right of holding firearms that was granted …show more content…

Few major reasons that should be taken into consideration in supporting an enhanced gun control law is the urgent necessity of it in response of the recurrent calamity, the legitimacy of it under the context of constitution, and the great performance of gun control in reducing crime and death.
Many people believe the freedom of possessing a firearm needs to be fully granted for every citizen because guns keep families safe, but guns are actually dangerous. Gun advocates claim that the firearms a normal civilian can purchase, known as non-military or non-assault firearm, are specifically designed for self-protection purpose, not for causing significant deaths or mass destructions in short time. So, if owning a guns can really ensure safety, America is probably the safest country in the world, “since we own an estimated 270 …show more content…

It is true that second amendment endowed the right of the citizen to bear arms, “However, considerable confusion still exists about this right because literally, the guarantee applied only to state militias instead of civilian” (Cengage). Moreover, the right was given under the certain historical context of eighteenth century, aimed at protecting our new founding nation from invasion of foreign enemies. However, far away from national defense or self-protection purpose, people today can get access to all kind of firearm easily, and the ways we possess it now becomes too overwhelming and aggressive. “People today carry guns on college campuses, in bars, taverns and churches, in parks and in the workplace, in cars and in the home. Ammunition everywhere — the deadlier, the better” (Herbert). Imaging that a random citizen can purchase a 50 Cal Dessert Eagle or high range rifle without thoroughly inspection, not to mention those firearm that were smuggled from boarder and purchased illegally, then were used in criminal purpose. In fact, today, “Convicted felons and other prohibited persons can easily purchase a firearm from unlicensed sellers in undocumented transactions” (Gun and Crime). Columnist Frida Berrigan from Huffington wrote in her post that “Gun has involve too much in our life. In some