Gutenberg Research Papers

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Gutenberg, the inventor of the moveable printing press

The existence of printing printers is regarded today as normal as possible, but printing has proven its necessity over time. When we think about printing presses, the first thing that comes to mind is Johannes Gutenberg, a German printer and publisher who lived between 1398 and 1468.
He was born in the German city of Mainz and work at first as a merchant, but afterwards begins to work as a blacksmith and goldsmith. In his period, people copied books by hand or used wooden block to print them. The process was very difficult, because people had to carve separately each letter.
To facilitate printing Gutenberg used different technologies from various fields and his first model of a printing …show more content…

Certainly, the invention of Gutenberg played a major role in the spread of knowledge and now each people could get access to information. One of the most important books published by the inventor was the Gutenberg bible in 1455 and later his printing presses were used to produce a large number of bibles.
Along with the moveable printing press, Gutenberg created a unique oil based ink that was transferred from his metal type to printing substrate in a more efficient way. If he wanted to print a page, he had to arrange the necessary letter on the matrix and then coat them in his ink. Surely, this invention had a huge impact on Printing Revolution and influenced the access to knowledge.
Different personalities, such as politicians, scientists, or philosophers could now duplicate in a faster way their ideas, to share them with a large number of persons. Unfortunately, before printing press, valuable ideas were lost and rediscovered. The use of the press allowed ideas to be spread from generation to generation. Also, the press gives another meaning to the content that became an industry and appears the notion of intellectual property rights, plagiarism of