Hankettes History

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Hankettes.com Hankettes began as a home based family business which was started in the year 1996. Their initial item Lesley came for the allergy sufferers. It was basically a re-usable organic cotton handkerchief that pulls out of a box like tissue. Also, its initial logo design consisted the word “sustainability” in it. The world has lastly caught on that it required stopping its throwaway lifestyle and moving to a far more earth-friendly approach of a re-usable lifestyle. The word “sustainable” has become extensive. Facts about Hankettes It was created in the 1996 and since then it has been a home-based family business dedicated to producing reusable organic cotton alternative to disposable paper products. In the year 2008 it started to create its exceptional range of all natural body, baby, home, and pet care items. Its items are handmade in Roberts Creek on the beautiful Sunshine Coast of BC, Canada. All products it offers is eco-friendly, eminent Canadian made, fair wage paid, AND good for you & nature. It original company was named Hankettes, and it started with creating organic cotton handkerchiefs. It now produces hundreds of organic cotton and botanically-based products in Roberts Creek. It renamed the company to Eco-Freako to better explain all the body, baby, home, & pet care products it offers. Altering its name has made a gigantic difference! People comprehend the perception of our business just by its name. Categories …show more content…

In the last few years it has done customized work for The Sierra Club, Greenpeace, The Organic Trade Association, UBC’s Student Association, the Green Party's national office in Ottawa, The David Suzuki Foundation, and they are lately being asked to get together 120 gifts for the good folks working on The David Suzuki Foundation’s BlueDot