Health Care Delivery Response Paper

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Week: Two Introduction to Health Care Delivery RESPONSE Sarah, I like your choice topic and I strongly believe “identification of the characteristics of mentors that have been or could be most successful in recruiting and training diverse nurses and nurse faculty” (National Academy of Sciences, 2011). The committee believes the role of the mentors should be research further to transform nursing leadership. I think this is an apt idea. I remember nearly five years ago when I first become a nurse, my preceptor was horrid. She used to hide because she didn’t want to precept. I remember looking for her around and all over the unit. I was disappointed, unwanted, but then one day I chose to grow strength from her attitude by making sure the little she deem to teach me I ran with it. I became self taught, self-sufficient. She took note of that and decided I wasn’t a waste of her time, in the end? My preceptor, in my opinion became a decent preceptor. The point I am trying to make is, as a new nurse, I did not have to go around my unit pursuing preceptor just to obtain the knowledge I required. If the unit or hospital had a decent preceptors/mentorship program in place transitioning for a new grad to a novice registered nurse would become less daunting. …show more content…

This essentially accentuates the notion and importance of mentorship to nursing. Newly competent nurses are faced with the challenge of applying their academic knowledge, skills and attitudes to practice. Bridging this space between theory and practice may be demanding to this person. It is for this reason that mentorship is vital to nursing practice and that is why I believe the committee suggested identification of the characteristics of mentors that have been or could be most successful in recruiting and training diverse nurses and nurse faculty to be researched further