High School Ambassadors Reflection

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At the end of my sophomore year I decided to apply for Ambassadors for my Junior year. It’s a program at Poudre that goes into Freshman classes and teaches them about topics they usually won’t cover in normal school curriculum. I decided to join the program because I did a very similar program called WEB you could do in 8th grade where we went into the 6th grade classrooms and did the same thing. I was really happy when I got accepted into this leadership program because I had so much fun doing WEB. At the begging of the next year Ambassadors goes on a retreat together up in the mountains where we really start to bond together. A huge reason as to why we bond so closely is because of one activity we do at the end of the 1st day during that …show more content…

Many tears are shed and we all connect on a deeper level. Every other week we teach the kids about something different. All of the stuff that we teach them, we are also taught and are very knowledgeable with these topics. A few less emotional topics we cover are Acceptance, Goal Setting, ------A few hard topics we cover would be Sexual Assault and Harassment, Teen Dating Violence, and Bullying. For both the Sexual Assault and Teen Dating Violence Presentations we undergo special training from certified people. The Sexual Assault training lasts 8 hours while the Teen Dating Violence lasts ----. If you are an ambassador for both your 11th and 12th grade years you get an advanced training during the Sexual assault training that looks more into how this issue is present in our community today and how misinterpreted it is. Throughout the year I get to make strong lasting friendships with the Freshmen I teach through Ambassadors. My kids from last year hang out with me during Football, lunch and continuously talk to me on a daily basis. I believe that the best take away aside is not the lessons themselves but being able to connect and be a leader to the Freshman I