Highly Musical Smart Intrapersonal Smart Analysis

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Looking at the results of this survey, I can see I am highly Musical smart, Intrapersonal smart, and Interpersonal smart. I can see why I would be a lot of all of these things. I love to listen to music and play the saxophone. Whenever we are going for a car ride, I immediately ask if we can listen to the radio or one of our CD's. My family enjoys going to the Fox Community Performing Arts Center to see musicals and we also are in them ourselves. My dad and I both used to play the piano as well. We have a piano downstairs in our basement and my dad still plays for us sometimes. I can also see why I am Itrapersonal smart. I know how I like to do things and I know how to organize myself. At home, I have a whiteboard at home where I write down …show more content…

Visual/Spacial smart people are often good at art and map reading. I am good at art and love to paint, however, my drawing skills are not the best and my coloring skills are worse. I am also not very good at reading a map. I haven't read a paper map very much and do not have much experience with it. Whenever we need directions to a place we are driving, my mom looks them up on Google Maps. Therefore, we have no need for a paper map, and I have not had much experience with one. The last category on the survey is Kinaesthetic smart or body smart. I am not very Kinaesthetic smart according to the survey. I would agree with this because, unlike some people, I do not have to move around much. I can sit still for long periods of time and be perfectly fine. Kinaesthetic learners have to move around often and enjoy moving while they are learning. I think I am the opposite of this because I like sitting down in one spot and learning, Overall, I think the survey accurately represented the multiple ways I learn. Based on the results, I think I could have a career that involves reading or writing sense Linguistic smart was my highest ranking of my …show more content…

The website says that Feeling people are sensitive and express a lot of emotion. I would agree with this part of the survey because I think that feelings and opinions are important and everyone should be able to express them. I also like to share my feelings and ideas in group projects and enjoy writing about my feelings in Comm Arts. I also think I am a Feelings person because when I am working in a group, I think it is more important for everyone to get along than for one person to be in charge of the entire project. Therefore, I think it is true that I am a very feeling person because I enjoy expressing my ideas and feelings and like to hear other peoples as well. The survey also said that I am twenty nine percent a Extraverted person. Extraverted people enjoy social gatherings and are energized by them. They also enjoy working in groups and more excited to do so than work alone. I believe I am a little bit of an Extraverted person. I like to work in groups as long as everyone in the group does their part and contributes evenly. I also enjoy going to social gatherings. As a member of Evergreen Theater, I attend a lot of meetings and parties. When I am in a show, the cast and crew have a cast party, and the Evergreen drama club has meetings and parties every

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